My dear friend Cindy and her Lyla Bean came to see me at work today and I snapped this: (or at least I am trying to.. you see, Jonny and I recently got newer/fancier/smarter phones and I am trying to put mine to good use by posting blogs from it.. but I have yet to master my newly found addiction.. so if there is no picture--the addiction is still new to me. If there is a picture, I will be a mobile blog poster..)

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
so glad Lyla and her "where's your belly?" trick made your blog! Thanks for having us come visit for a minute :) it was interesting to be back after so long....nanny mcphee's, salad bars, no fund the much has changed! :)
What a cute baby, hopefully you'll have one of your own to blog about soon.
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